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Prior to the start of the 2017-18 NBA season, Nike unveiled a league-wide uniform redesign. In the midst of a dramatic rebranding effort that included a modernized logo, arena renovations, and team restructuring, the Minnesota Timberwolves were to receive the most significant uniform upgrade of all 30 teams. My task was to create a landing page on that not only reflected the larger rebranding initiative, but would act as the team's most influential point of reference, and catalyst of the uniform reveal.
Design process between 1-2 weeks, with development time lasting 3-4 weeks for a total of roughly 6 weeks. The site launched in early August, 2017.
Development and design of site's interactive web elements and collective components including 'points of interest' and 360 jersey viewer and 'horizon scrolling'. garnered +22k pageviews on it's launch date of August 10, 2017, and tallied over 70k in it's first three months.